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My Home Group

Key Housing has a tenant engagement panel, 'My Home Group'. The aims of the group are to consult on changes to relevant policy and services that Key tenants receive. Since our first meeting in September 2015, we have been able to cover a variety of topics from our Pets Policy to views on the layout of this website. We have updates from the meetings in each edition of our newsletter, At Home, and you can take a look at some of the topics we have discussed in the minutes below.

Our meetings take place every 2-3 months and are held at our Main Office at The Square in Glasgow. It is important to us that you are involved in our decision making process and this is a great forum to get your views across. Recently we have continued our conversations about how we communicate with tenants, as well as starting our discussions about value for money.

If you would like more information about 'My Home Group' or if you are interested in joining, please call Kirsty Sweenie on 0141 342 1810 or complete the form here.
