When you move into your new home it will be in good condition and ready for you to live in. You are expected to maintain this standard at all times.
You can redecorate the walls to your taste but we may ask you to return it to its original state before moving out. Hardwood floors and laminates are not recommended in flats as they can be very noisy for neighbours who live below you. Although hardwood floors may be a good replacement for carpets, if they have to be lifted to complete a repair and there is any damage then we cannot be held responsible for the costs.
Speak to us before planning any changes to the fixtures of your home (for instance doors) as this will require our permission. Please contact your Housing Officer to discuss.
We also expect you to keep your home to a reasonable standard of cleanliness and in good condition. On occasion Housing Officers will undertake unannounced visits to check the property is in good condition.