We support people in different parts of Scotland. All our services are registered with the Care Inspectorate. The Care Inspectorate check the quality of all social care services in Scotland.
Our Area Managers are the first point of contact for finding out about our local services. You can find the contact for all our Area Managers and local services on the map below.
There are some areas where we don't have any services. In areas where we don't have services, you will get the contact for an Operational Manager. If we don't have services in your area, please do still get in touch. We may be able to help point you to relevant resources where you live.
Click on the map or use the drop down list to find your local council area. This will take you to the details of our services in your area and who to contact for more information.
Tracey Gilius - Operational Manager
Tracey Gilius is an Operational Manager with responsibility for our services covering:
- Argyll & Bute
- Inverclyde
- North Ayrshire
- South Ayrshire
- South Lanarkshire
- Renfrewshire
- Dumfries and Galloway.
If you would like to find out about the availability of our support services in your area, please contact Tracey by email or using the contact details to the right.
Allison Wright - Area Manager
Allison Wright manages our services in the North Ayrshire council area. This includes our teams in Ardrossan and Saltcoats.
You can get in touch with Allison by email or by using the contact details to the right.