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A man standing in his large greenhouse. There is plants and gardening equipment around him. He is wearing a red sweatshirt and a black NY branded baseball cap. He is smiling and not looking directly at the camera.

About the support we offer

People tell us they want flexible, friendly, reliable support. Support which is there through the good and not so good times. That's the kind of support we offer.

We start with seeing the person. We listen, getting to know them and what they want from life. The person, and the people closest to them, are at the heart of planning and making decisions about their support.

We support people in lots of different ways. We support people in their own home, their family home, or their community. This can be for a few hours a week, a few hours a day, or 24-hour support, including overnights.

People's support is funded in various ways too, including Self-directed Support (SDS). And they use their support to do the things they want in life. This could be:

  • Feeling safe and keeping well
  • Being as independent as possible
  • Having interesting things to do through work, leisure, and learning
  • Playing an active part in the local community
  • Being connected with family and friends.

In Your Area has information on the areas we work in, and who to contact to find out more.

Sometimes things can go wrong, we want to hear from you if they do. The 'Making a complaint about our services' video shows you how to do this. You can also find the video at the bottom of this page. 

Find out more about the support we provide

What to do if you want to make a complaint