We have been busy generating our 5-year Strategic Plan and have outlined below the six main themes that we will be working towards in the forthcoming years.
Firstly, we would like to acknowledge that the scope to involve tenants in the detail content of the Plan had been curtailed by the impact of the pandemic.
And secondly, the Plan had been developed taking account of Scottish Housing Regulator guidance on the impact of Covid-19 and sought to balance the short term challenges associated with the pandemic against the need for a Plan which focusses on our long term objectives.
The six main themes within the Plan are
- Tenant engagement will continue to be a feature to be developed.
- As a priority we will develop ways where we can assess the value for money of our landlord services. We will also continue to evidence a considered approach to rent affordability over the period of the Plan.
- A continued focus on tenant safety, building on the priorities already agreed in relation to fire safety (this will impact on many other aspects of safety in the home)
- The refining of an Asset Management Strategy to ensure that our properties are fit for purpose, well maintained and meet relevant standards.
- The development of appropriate digital technologies across all of our activities.
- A continued increase in housing availability through leasing as part of a plan to continue to develop as a support provider.