We have 714 properties across 15 local authorities in Scotland and we typically have around 50 vacancies each year. Almost all of these are allocated to people who receive support therefore we do not hold a waiting list or accept applications directly. Below we explain how people with, or without, support can apply for our housing.
People who receive support
The main route to being allocated a Key Housing property is through your local social work department. If you already have a link to social work, let them know of your interest in moving into your own tenancy.
If you are looking for more information about Key's support services please go to Key Support.
People without support
We are rarely able to allocate houses to people who do not receive support. The process for people without support is to apply to your local council's housing department. You will have to express an interest in being nominated to Key Housing.
Housing Solutions
As we have a small housing stock, we may use other sources to help people find their ideal home. We currently lease over 100 properties from other Housing Associations and private landlords to help suit the individual needs of our tenants.