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Image of the words fair work first statement on a pale green background

Fair Work Statement

Key embeds the seven Fair Work First criteria as part of our approach to having a supported, motivated and engaged workforce and we are committed to building on these.

Effective employee voice  

Key has a long-standing voluntary single union recognition agreement with Unite which provides a framework for agreeing salaries and conditions of service and supporting workers in grievance/disciplinary processes.

Investment in workforce development

Our comprehensive induction and staff development programme promotes continual learning, ensuring that staff have the appropriate skills/knowledge for their role. We offer an extensive menu of online and in-person team or individual training to staff at all levels and monitor equal access through our reporting systems.  

We offer a range of social care professional qualifications as well as in supervision and management. We also provide office-based training.

Our managers provide support through supervision/appraisals and working alongside staff to provide feedback. We offer opportunities for development through secondments and ‘acting up’. Career progression is actively encouraged.

Zero-hours contracts

We don’t use zero-hour contracts, subcontract our work or use umbrella companies. We employ staff directly and offer flexible employment contracts (up to full time) to provide stability of employment and working hours. We offer relief register opportunities for those wishing more control over when they work.

Diversity and inclusion

We employ a range of people with different experiences and perspectives arising from race, culture, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics. We believe that a diverse workforce best reflects the demographics of the people we support, and ensure we have the right mix of experience, qualifications, interests and skills.  

Where needed, we target adverts. We report annually on equal opportunities, gender pay and modern slavery. We review our recruitment/selection practices regularly to ensure there are no hidden obstacles to women applying for/securing promoted posts or to men joining our workforce. Our safer recruitment processes ensure no candidate is unfairly denied employment opportunities while protecting the safety of people we employ and support.  

Our Equal Opportunities Policy and Codes of Conduct make clear staff’s requirement to work in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner with colleagues/others. Our Grievance and Whistleblowing procedures are made known, ensuring any concerns are highlighted and any unwelcome practices eliminated sensitively. We have a confidential self-referral employee counselling service, an independent occupational health service and a significant number of Mental Health First Aiders.

Fair pay

We’re an accredited Living Wage employer We provide good quality pension arrangements, sourced from a reputable provider. Our salary scales are applied uniformly. We benchmark our pay rates with comparable organisations and through our gender pay gap reporting processes.

Flexible/family friendly working

Our Staff Deployment Policy ensures that workers have reasonable work patterns, adequate notice of work times, family-friendly working and overall life/work balance. Staff are guaranteed their contracted hours, only working beyond these with mutual agreement. We ensure staff receive the protection of the Working Time Directive but are made aware of their right to opt out. We also offer flexitime, career breaks, contractual sick pay and enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption pay.

Fire/rehire practices

We do not and will not use dismissal and rehire practices.


Our policies and procedures reflect legislation and best practice, and we are committed to continual improvement in Fair Work Practices.

We report to Key’s Board on a series of tangible and measurable fair work practice indicators to demonstrate progress. Indicators include remuneration rates, SVQ accreditation, SSSC registration, staff turnover, absence, supervision, appraisals, training activity and staff satisfaction surveys.

Andrea Wood                                                                                                  Linda Pollock Wilson

Key Chief Executive                                                                                         Unite Regional Officer